A. The renewable stuff tht we ciould us in stuff like water bottles, pop cans, pop bottles, and other stuff we should be recylcing. if we were to turn our heat to 68 during the winter then we would save so much energy for us to use when we need it the most. fuels can not be renewed so it is hard for us to make new fule. One way we could help save the fule is to make more cars that are electric. this would save fule for us. electricity is renewable and we could save a lot of money if we keep the heat and tvs and alot of other things.
B.the impact on the environment that humans have is stuff like pollution, killing off trees to biuld bildings. this is not good because it is takeing away the animals habbitat. so we are not going to have that much animals if we keep on destroing there stuff. if we pollut the air it could cause the animals to be born and not be right.if we dump our waste in waters and all of that stuff then we could see that we would not be able to eat the fish in the water because it is polluted.
C. the life cycle of gas is when it goes throght many different stages. the production of nateral gas in when you mine is like u would gold.the paciging is when it goes throgh a line in to your house for many thinks. like a stove a heater. there are many more.it is desoped of by it being burned up by the stove or what ever else you use that uses gas. the pollution is that it is not good to inhale. it could make you relly sick.
A-B-C. http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy00osti/27715.pdf
1-2-3. http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=packiging+gas&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
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