Tuesday, November 23, 2010

resources and human impact on earth

A. The renewable stuff tht we ciould us in stuff like water bottles, pop cans, pop bottles, and other stuff we should be recylcing. if we were to turn our heat to 68 during the winter then we would save so much energy for us to use when we need it the most. fuels can not be renewed so it is hard for us to make new fule. One way we could help save the fule is to make more cars that are electric. this would save fule for us. electricity is renewable and we could save a lot of money if we keep the heat and tvs and alot of other things.

B.the impact on the environment that humans have is stuff like pollution, killing off trees to biuld bildings. this is not good because it is takeing away the animals habbitat. so we are not going to have that much animals if we keep on destroing there stuff. if we pollut the air it could cause the animals to be born and not be right.if we dump our waste in waters and all of that stuff then we could see that we would not be able to eat the fish in the water because it is polluted.

C.  the life cycle of gas is when it goes throght many different stages. the production of nateral gas in when you mine is like u would gold.the paciging is when it goes throgh a line in to your house for many thinks. like a stove a heater. there are many more.it is desoped of by it being burned up by the stove or what ever else you use that uses gas. the pollution is that it is not good to inhale. it could make you relly sick.




A-B-C. http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy00osti/27715.pdf

1-2-3. http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=packiging+gas&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Water Cycle

A. Evaporation- is a type of vaporization of a liquid, that occurs only on the surface of a liquid.
Transpiration-is the evaporation of water from plants.
Condensation- is the change of water from its gaseous form (water vapor) into liquid water.
Percipitation- is the quantity of water falling to earth at a specific place within a specified period of time.
Infiltration- is the process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil.
Surface runoff- is the water flow that occurs when soil is infiltrated to full capacity and excess water from rain, snowmelt, or other sources flows over the land.
Groundwater- is water located beneath the ground surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of lithologic formations.
Absorption- The act or process of absorbing or the condition of being absorbed

B. the flow of water throght a water shed is were the water flows to many differen t places. if you were to stand out side on the ground, you r standing in a watershed. A watershed is an area of land that drains all the streams and rainfall to a common outlet. water goes throght the water shed and they it is relesed in to rivers,lakes,ponds, and alot of more stuff.

C. the river typs of flooding is when there is to much water in the river, then the river will over flow. this could cause erosion witch is were the ground startes to fall in to the the water.




1-2-3. http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=water+cycle&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai


Monday, November 15, 2010

Bad astronomy blog

I thoght that if u were close to the sun and u looked at it, it would blind you. Another thing i thoght was true was the equiptment used to calulate were the metor was going to hit. I was right if you look at the sun if u are in space u could go blind. I was righ about the equiptment used can perdict a metor is true, but they can not perdict were it is going to land thoght.

I thoght that when we sent astronates on the comet to blow it up, that it was fack, because a comet is to clod for someone to stand on then. Comets are to fast for some one to stand on to.
The comets surface was gray and black. A comet is wight. therefor they were wrong.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

green book labs

Activity 1
In this activity wee tested water sand and dirtto see what heats and cools the fastest. It turns out that the water heats up the slowest. We also found out that the dirt heats the fastest. Then the sand was in the middle of them both. That is not what i expected. I expected the water to heat the fastest, and the sand to heat of the second most, then the dirt to heat the slowest.

Activity 4
in this activity we test dirt with and with out clouds, sand with and with out clouds, and then water with and with out clouds. it turns out the one that heated the fastest is the is the sand with out clouds. this is not what i expected to happen. I thoght that the water with out clouds would heat up the fastest.

small scale labs help us by tell what would happen in real life.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

climate blog

climate change is a change of wether. Climate change may be limited.Climate change is already happening and represents one of the environmental,social and economic threats facing the earth.The EU has also been taking steps to limit its greenhouse gas emissions since the early 1990s.


Friday, October 8, 2010

sewer treatment plant blog

At the sewer treatment plant we learned how the water is cleaned.it goes throgh alot of stages to get completly clean.it goes throgh test to make sure it is clean to. it goes throgh like 5 tank to make sure it is clean. i also learned that there are not many people in that job, so i am thinking about becomeing a sewer treatment plant person.

i recycled alot of stuff. i help clean the place up too, it was fun. i think if i can make my mom and dad keep the recyclebles i will recycle agin.

and that is what i leard and what i did there.

Friday, October 1, 2010

the city talk blog

I found out that Eaton rapids downtown is just and island. i also found out that the  river in the city is lot cleaner then it use to be. there are two new storm drains to help keep the river clean.  there are alot of ways that they work to keep the river clean. the new storm drains they put in are there to help keep the river clean. there is alot less pollution in the river then there was 10 years ago. the river is a lot cleaner then every one thinks it is. there are many different ways we can help keep the river clean.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

foot print blog

1. http://www.nature.org/initiatives/climatechange/calculator/

2. I think that it was a good sight to use it was really easy, and i think that it would be easy for younger kids also.
3. 14 tons
4. a. eat less meat
b.use less water
c. recycle more paper
5. if we dont put waste into the river at all the water will be cleaner. then that will be better for our city.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

water treatment blog

1.a water tower holds up to 1 million gallons of water at a time.     
2.there are 6 wells in Eaton rapids.
3.the water goes through a lot of test for it to be just right for us to drink.
4.to creat good water presser we have two water towers
5.the water we use has chemicals so it is perified
6.Our whole town is based around water, even underground, there is a stream of pipe work under the city which carries 32 miles of water through out the city, which is used for all purposes
7.we have back up generates to carrie water when we have a black out
8.we have a pump that goes under the river

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

h20 test connection blog

we are doing are project on light bulb  and the mercery in them to see if it will affect the growing in our bio bottle..  
  what we plan on doing for our action project is is puting the glass from the light bulb in one bio bottle and putting mettal in the second bio bottle. we r going to do many test to see want is going on with our bio bottle.

Monday, September 13, 2010

how small towns treat their water

1.water goes through a pirifing plant to get clean for the city.it goes through a bunch of different pirifing stages to get clean to be able to drink it.
2.water goes through a ton of different stages to get clean. then it will be filtered and sent back in to a river or lake.
3. what is the main resource for water in Eaton rapids?
what is the longest stage that water goes through to get petrified?